Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Wreckage of Reason

All of the stories were so interesting, but these seemed to stick out the most to me.

The first story was called, The Blue Girl by Laurie Foos. This was a very interesting story to me because it wasn't happy or funny, but more dark and serious. The beginning of the story slightly confused me and so did the whole story in a way. There is a lot of metaphorical talk in this story. Some examples would be the blue girl herself (is she literally blue?), the moon pies that are full of the women's secrets, and when the blue girl licked the woman's hand clean. My idea about the moon pies is that the women use marshmallows to represent all of their secrets that they keep. When the last woman went into the girls bedroom, she fed her the whole pie which I see as giving her secrets away to the blue girl and the girl took them all and cleaned her hands of them, literally and metaphorically. I think this story leaves a lot to the imagination because it sure did for me. I needed the story with a lot of questions.

The second story was called New York/LA Whirlwind Romance by Karen Lilis. This was an interesting way of writing a story. It was not a narrative where there are two people talking and someone else telling the story about the background of everything. This is just phrases that someone has said. The first part is mostly lovey dovey and portrays a positive person, but once we actually meet the person, their language changes and they become selfish and rude. This is what can happens when you talk on the phone, you can hang up and be done with a conversation but when it is face to face, there is so much more involved in the conversation. I enjoyed this story even more because at the end, Karen said that these are just lines that she has heard people say as they were passing by on their phones. To be able to compile all of them and make a story out of them was a really cool aspect.

The third story that I read was called, More Than Winter or Spring by Jessica Treat. This was styled as a traditional story I would say. There was a little bit of a twist in the story however. In the beginning where the two people are sitting and talking, Jenny was asking her friend how much her friend liked her but we did not know if her friend was a boy or girl. I automatically assumed that it was a boy because it seemed like they were flirty with each other. It seemed apparent that they were younger in age because of their actions and language. We find out later that it is a little girl when her mother is giving her a bath and calls her a 'silly girl'. It was a sweet story of friendship between two young girls but I can see where it can get offensive at the end when they are cursing at God and nothing happens. Overall, it was a good story that was fun to read and kept my interest the whole time.

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