Wednesday, December 5, 2012


When I read Cameron and how she sketches her work out, it seems really true to me. It all makes sense. I know I get to the point she does where she doesn't know how to keep going and writers block starts to set in. I usually get to that point even before I start writing. I always have a hard time trying to figure out what to write whereas, Cameron says to just start writing things down. I like the part where she said, "Early on in the letters, a 'bug project' showed up. Obediently, I wrote it down. Thinking, a 'bug project'?" (pg. 71). I have never been that good at writing where I could just write down something that has come to me and incorporate that in the story somehow. Usually, I have to know where the story is and where it is going in order to start writing. I understand that there are a whole lot of different techniques but none of them really seemed like they would work for me.

Some of the other options for how to start writing where things like: researching their topics in depth and doing their themselves, planning each scene carefully and then letting them fall into place, and making outlines. I feel like some of these may help me if I put enough effort into them but some of them are just not possible like the researching in depth. I cannot go to Paris and study everything there just to write a story right now. Making outlines and planning out scenes are much more logical options for me. But even if I do start with one of these options to get me going, there will come another point during the story that will give me a stopping point.

"Now that 'I' know what 'I'am doing, I begin to worry that 'I' may not be able to pull it off. In other words, my ego wakes up" (page 74). This quote is awesome to me because I feel like my ego is awake the entire time. I respect Cameron because she can put her ego to sleep and her imagination goes wild. However, I cannot get to that point. I feel like this may be why my stories are so short and not at all that creative and thought out. I try my hardest, but I always keep erasing and rewriting. It is not the easiest thing to spit out topics either. I started just looking around me and picked something or a thought and just started making a story behind it. This has loosened my imagination up a bit but here always comes that thought that it is stupid or I should rewrite it. At that point, I just say no.